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民國111年 西元2022年                 


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低密度脂蛋白LDL亞型分析 – sd-LDL個人化心血管疾病風險評估 

心血管疾病一直是國人十大死亡原因之一,最新的膽固醇治療策略著重在ㄧ些新的風險因子,如非高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(nonHDL-cholesterol) 或是會促進動脈粥樣硬化的小顆緊密低密度脂蛋白 (sd-LDL) 以建立個人化治療策略。近年來研究指出,僅僅膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白濃度 (LDL) 無法足夠反映出冠狀動脈疾病的風險,如果加上其它會容易造成動脈粥樣硬化的指標如sdLDL、中密度脂蛋白 (IDL) 及極低密度脂蛋白殘體 (rVLDL),才能完整評估冠狀動脈疾病風險。 

透過個人化的低密度脂蛋白亞型分析 (LDL Subfractions),可以早期診斷出將來發展冠狀動脈疾病的風險,並且針對不同的風險建立專屬的治療對策,延長健康壽命。



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liver cancer has been ranked among the top ten causes of dea

In the past 3 to 40 years, liver cancer has been ranked among the top ten causes of death in Taiwan. The current prevalence rate is probably the fourth among all cancers. About 8,000 people die of liver cancer each year. Many of these patients are young adults. , The society is a very huge loss.

 Risk factors for liver cancer have a lot to do with eating habits!

● Severe alcohol addiction
If you drink a lot of alcohol every day and keep the habit of excessive drinking for many years, you have a higher chance of developing liver cancer

● Aflatoxin
Aflatoxin is a first-level carcinogen. When peanuts, soybeans, corn and other whole grains become moldy in hot and humid weather, they will produce aflatoxin, such as peanut powder, peanut butter, fermented bean curd, Chinese medicinal materials such as dates, etc. Yellow yeast toxins cannot be removed even if heated to one hundred degrees Celsius. After eating, yellow yeast toxins will attack liver cells, cause hepatocellular lesions, and even lead to liver cancer.

● Diabetes also increases the chance of liver cancer.

● Overweight

Seven Principles of Preventing Liver Cancer

1. Regular inspection
If you are a carrier of hepatitis B and C, you should follow up your condition every six months to prevent the condition from turning into liver cancer.
2. Stay away from smoke
Smoking not only increases the risk of liver cancer, it may also increase the risk of other cancers. In addition to smokers should quit smoking, the general public should also stay away from the environment that is harmful to smoking.
3. Avoid excessive drinking
Excessive drinking can easily lead to alcoholic hepatitis and increase the risk of liver cancer.
4. Avoid moldy food
Moldy food may produce aflatoxin, which can lead to liver cancer.
5. Avoid sharing needles or toothbrushes
Hepatitis may be infected through the blood. For example, needles and household hygiene products cannot be shared.
6. Safe sex
You should wear a condom when engaging in sex to avoid contracting hepatitis. If you have a pregnancy plan, you should consult a doctor.
7. Control weight and body fat
Obese people are prone to get fatty liver, because fatty liver may evolve into liver cancer, so you should usually do a good job of weight control.

Liver function test appointment​ 

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