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liver cancer has been ranked among the top ten causes of dea

In the past 3 to 40 years, liver cancer has been ranked among the top ten causes of death in Taiwan. The current prevalence rate is probably the fourth among all cancers. About 8,000 people die of liver cancer each year. Many of these patients are young adults. , The society is a very huge loss.

 Risk factors for liver cancer have a lot to do with eating habits!

● Severe alcohol addiction
If you drink a lot of alcohol every day and keep the habit of excessive drinking for many years, you have a higher chance of developing liver cancer

● Aflatoxin
Aflatoxin is a first-level carcinogen. When peanuts, soybeans, corn and other whole grains become moldy in hot and humid weather, they will produce aflatoxin, such as peanut powder, peanut butter, fermented bean curd, Chinese medicinal materials such as dates, etc. Yellow yeast toxins cannot be removed even if heated to one hundred degrees Celsius. After eating, yellow yeast toxins will attack liver cells, cause hepatocellular lesions, and even lead to liver cancer.

● Diabetes also increases the chance of liver cancer.

● Overweight

Seven Principles of Preventing Liver Cancer

1. Regular inspection
If you are a carrier of hepatitis B and C, you should follow up your condition every six months to prevent the condition from turning into liver cancer.
2. Stay away from smoke
Smoking not only increases the risk of liver cancer, it may also increase the risk of other cancers. In addition to smokers should quit smoking, the general public should also stay away from the environment that is harmful to smoking.
3. Avoid excessive drinking
Excessive drinking can easily lead to alcoholic hepatitis and increase the risk of liver cancer.
4. Avoid moldy food
Moldy food may produce aflatoxin, which can lead to liver cancer.
5. Avoid sharing needles or toothbrushes
Hepatitis may be infected through the blood. For example, needles and household hygiene products cannot be shared.
6. Safe sex
You should wear a condom when engaging in sex to avoid contracting hepatitis. If you have a pregnancy plan, you should consult a doctor.
7. Control weight and body fat
Obese people are prone to get fatty liver, because fatty liver may evolve into liver cancer, so you should usually do a good job of weight control.

Liver function test appointment​ 

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民生醫事檢驗所 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Pre- Employment Medical Reference

A . Physical Check-up:

1. Eyes & Pupils
2. Ear/ Nose/Throat
3. Teeth & Mouth
4. Lungs & Chest
5. Cardiovascular Systems
6. Abnorminal Viscera
7. Hernial Ofifice
8. Anus & Rectum
9. Genito Urinary
10. Extremeties
11. Musculo Skeletal
12. Skin & Varicose Veins
13. Neurological
14. Breast
15. Heights/ weights
16. Blood pressure
17. Pulse
18. Hearing
19. Visions/ Colour Visions
20. Blood Group
21. Any other relevant physical checks .

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Stem cell therapy test|Cancer immune test|Immune system test|Autoimmune test|CIK (Cytokine-induced killer cell)

Stem cell therapy test|Cancer immune test|Immune system test|Autoimmune test|NK-CELL |CD4 CD8 |B cell |DC cell |Cytokine-induced killer cell CIK (Cytokine-induced killer cell)

In 2021, when everyone is welcoming the post-epidemic era, everyone knows that the global variant of new coronary pneumonia/Wuhan pneumonia/COVID-19 has affected the world. In the face of the new coronavirus attack and the resurgence of the epidemic, the immune system is no longer a vague term. For immune prisoners and immune storms, do you want to know how the high-level inspector uses the massive immune tactics to counter the new crown?


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2022新冠確診或治癒後是否依然存在「隱形缺氧」! 又或者「悲傷低血氧」 ?

從Alpha、Delta、Beta、Gamma、到2022年5月發現的Omicron(我沒空)亞變種BA.2.12.1、BA.4、BA.5 ,而當COVID-19亞變種病毒攻擊人體紅血球時,無症狀感染者的身體到底知不知道? 還是冷水煮蛤蟆渾然不知!


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